Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Ad Forum Worldwide Summit New York Day 3

So by Day 3, normally there have been one or two agency presentations that have not lived up to our expectations as consultants but this year, the standard is extremely high and very competitive - so we have not been disappointed.  In general the US agencies believe that the economy is improving and that business is picking up – they see this in the quantity of new work that is being commissioned by clients.


I think it is also important to add from the IAS perspective – that we do not share any of the confidential information that we are presented with during this important week.  As consultants we are privy to a great deal of information from both agencies and clients and our value is being objective and able to assist both parties.


The notes that I am sharing in this daily blog are really a summary of observations or of any important comments made during the course of the day.


Day 3 of the Summit always includes an hour or two of rest in the afternoon – which is always very welcome after two consecutive 14 hour days of non stop meetings until 22.00 most evenings.


This morning we met with Critical Mass – a digital agency born in Canada and now with 700 employees in US, UK, Hong Kong and South America as well  as Calgary, Canada.  Let by a very impressive female CEO, the agency shared their focus with us which is delivering cumulative Customer experiences for clients.  An excellent presentation, very informative and a great start to our day.


Some interesting case studies for Nissan – Usain Bolt, Clorox – Green Works and the adidas – make it mine campaign at


We moved on to the McCann Group whose network includes 23 000 staff members across many countries. McCann works hard at making sure that they have a global network of agencies with at least 65% local business – the model is not perfect yet – it is work in progress.  Some magnificent creative work which has won major awards this year at every major competition and for which they are justifiably proud.


Lots is planned for the Africa continent so watch this space.


We met briefly with the brand new Publicis Worldwide CEO, Arthur Sadoun,   after lunch – he shared with us his early thoughts on the positioning of the Publicis brand in the Publicis/Omnicom Group.


After a two hour break we met  with Sapient Nitro – they meet with us as consultants each year at Ad Forum and always have a great deal of news to share. Now numbering 10 000 people with offices in many parts of the world, we are hoping that South Africa will be next on their list of countries – and certainly if business warrants it and clients need it I am told that an office can be opened in a week.  They talked to us about their culture, philosophy and – most importantly – the drive to attract the greatest talent. From a business growth perspective they are looking at double digit growth this year. 


And so – once again – after an excellent dinner and charming hosts, we wend our weary way back to the hotel ready to sleep a few hours before Day 4 which looks like this:


      Thursday 10 October                              

                8.30 -     10.30 am              Steve Harding, Global CEO, Geometry (Breakfast)

                                                                The Chocolate Factory, (Ogilvy), 636 11th Ave., (bet. 46th & 47th Sts.)

                                                                Lobby Level Theater

                11.00 -   1.00 pm                David Jones, Global CEO, Havas Worldwide (Lunch)

                                                                200 Hudson St. (just below Canal St.)

                1.30 – 2.15 pm                  Michael Roth, CEO,  Interpublic

                                                                1114 Avenue of the Americas, (43rd and 6th Ave)

                2:30 - 3.00 pm    Tara Back, President,, Jack Morton (@ IPG offices)

                4.00 – 5:30 pm                   Brian Prowley, President, iCrossing

                                                                300 W. 57th St., (bet. Eighth & Ninth Aves.)

                6.45 pm                Cocktails & Dinner hosted by AdForum

                                L’Apicio, 13 E. 1st St., (bet. Bowery & Second Ave.)         



Looking forward to meeting with Geometry tomorrow – Ogilvy’s newest agency and also just opened in South Africa – and to seeing my former colleague Howard Smiedt – a South African now in London and ECD of this newest agency.


More tomorrow.


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