Monday 18 November 2013

Why person to person networking cannot be replaced by social media networking - but can be enhanced

It occurred to me last week that unless we are out there networking for business, we cannot expect to maintain close contact with targeted individuals. 

All of us are tempted to think that social media networking can replace individual one to one contact. The reality is that in today's world, we need both elements to work in order to maximize our contacts.  It is so noticeable, for example, that when I am with some business colleagues on an Ad Forum Summit in New York - and I see these colleagues once or twice a year - we become even more active with each other on the social networks during the course of the Ad Forum week.

People love photographs and sharing thoughts with each other.  From where I view things, social media networking helps to deepen this experience and sustain it in between personal interactions.

How we then use the social media networks tells our colleagues and friends about the roles that they have in our lives both personally and business wise. Sometimes these lines become blurred but the better we become at thinking about our social media networks strategically, the more useful they can become to us and to our colleagues and ever broadening network.



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